Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Gets Dirty With Poo At California Wildlife Refuge

Pamela Anderson

It may be hard to picture a glamorous actress like Pamela Anderson picking up poo, but it’s all a labor of love for the former Baywatch star, vegetarian and animal rights activist.

Anderson gives her time to the California Wildlife Center in Santa Monica, California, where her duties include feeding baby owls and making good use of the pooper scooper.

Anderson told UK’s Fabulous magazine, “I clean out all the poop in the birdcages and feed all the little owls – the baby ones – with frozen mice parts. Occasionally a little frozen paw or ear will fall off!”

If a bird is rehabilitated and ready to be released into the wild, it might want to ask for another chauffeur to take them home.

“Sometimes I’m given the job of releasing animals back into the wild, but I’m the worst driver and have no sense of direction,” Anderson continued. “I was given a box with a crow in it and we got so lost. I went to three different places to try to find where they’d originally caught her!”

Anderson recently went on a 3 mile hike to benefit the wildlife center and she was given the honor of releasing a pelican back into the wild who probably was returned at least a few blocks within his old neighborhood.

The California rescue center is reporting extensive rescues of pelicans this year, blaming El Nino weather patterns for moving fish deeper into colder, inaccessible waters and rain and storm run-off damaging the weather proof features of their wings. Since the start of 2010, CWC has rescued 58 pelicans.

Photo: PR Photos


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