Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarla Hall Makes Veggie Quesadilla For “Backpacker” Trailside Meal

Carla Hall

Former Top Chef contestant Carla Hall, who was known for adding her vegetarian variations to the table, participated in Backpacker magazine’s annual Adventures in NYC event in Central Park where she and two other contestants (including the gear editor of Backpacker) presented a backpacking cooking showdown, preparing a 20 minute meal easily prepared on a camping trip.

Hall’s Vegetarian Quesadilla came in 2nd, but Backpacker gear editor’s pizza was at least vegetarian based too.

Now would be a great opportunity to tell you about a guide to getting a meatless, lipsmackin’ vegetarian experience on the trail.

Lipsmackin’ Vegetarian Backpackin’ contains 150 recipes tested for trailers, and offer suggestions for taking meal ideas from preparation in the kitchen at home to trailside cooking, along with nutritional content and weight of the food (it’s probably not a good idea to use a recipe that calls for a gallon of vinegar).

The 231 page book complete with pictures gives trail lovers ideas for food like Death Valley Chili, Triple Crown Curry Couscous, Oasis Fruit Bars, Vegan Super Hero Burritos, Cheese Coins, Taconic Mountain Cheesy Rice, Switchback Smoothie, Ginger Kick Bread and Wild Berry Fruit Leather.

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