Quantcast Vegetarian StarNilka Hendricks “Hell’s Kitchen” Contestant Former Vegan Cafe Chef (Video)

A former vegan chef for the now defunct Earth Tonez Cafe in Brooklyn, New York is competing on this season’s Hell’s Kitchen.

Nilka Hendricks created the menu at Earth Tonez, adding items like vegetable wraps and Portobello mushroom soups and told Glen Cove Patch her experience at the cafe was the first time she felt she had developed her own cooking style.

“That was the first time I stepped out on my own and did Nilka’s style of food, and that was the first time I ever did vegan and vegetarian food. I didn’t know what I was doing but I said, ‘I’m going to go cook this food like I know how to cook.’ Everybody adapted to the food and they really enjoyed the food.”

A “Get To Known Nilka” clip can be viewed above.

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