Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Constance Marie Spreads The Organic Word

WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA - MAY 24: Actress Constance Marie arrives at the E! 20th anniversary party celebrating two decades of pop culture held at The London Hotel on May 24, 2010 in West Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

“A secret lil’ thing I like to do to spread the organic word is to purposely walk into a store, find the manager or sales person and ask them point blank if they have any green or organic versions of their products. When the answer is, “Um … Well … No” I say, “Oh! Bummer I really wanted an organic version of (whatever they sell).” It isn’t a lie, I really do! Then I leave.”

“I know, I know, sounds crazy! But then again, maybe not so much? If stores and vendors know there is a demand for organic products, they will make them. The more they make, the more the cost comes down. Babies will have better products and everybody will be happy. We can all do that and become what I call “easy greeny mommies.”

Constance Marie, blogging at People’s Celebrity Baby Blog.

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