Quantcast Vegetarian StarChris Klein DUI Put People, Pet Dog In Danger

Chris Klein DUI Put People, Pet Dog In Danger

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 17th, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues.

22 April 2010 -Hollywood, California - Chris Klein. TCM Classic Film Festival - A Star Is Born -Arrivals held at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Photo Credit: T. Conrad/AdMedia

So it’s pretty much unanimous that drunk driving is one of the stupidest acts to commit, as it puts everyone on the road at risk of death, not to mention the idiot who’s driving.

Don’t forget there’s one more reason to round up all the Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Students Against Drunk Driving and Parakeets Against Drunk Driving members in your neighborhood cause that offender may hurt an animal as well.

Animal rights group In Defense of Animals is ripping actor Chris Klein for allegedly Driving Under the Influence with a dog in the car.

TMZ spoke to a representative who told them, “By choosing to drive under the influence with his dog in the car, Chris not only put innocent drivers in danger, but broke a promise to be a protector and guardian to his pet.”

Yep, that pretty much means big loser.

Sources say Klein’s blood alcohol content was 0.20, two and a half times the California legal limit of 0.08, when he was arrested on the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles.

There are pet seat belts and harnesses designed to help restrain a pet in a car collision or sudden stop, and these may help prevent injury to a pet who’s owner is driving the normal speed limit. Anyone had any experience with these devices?

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