Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons “Millions of Milkshakes” Vegan Shake For NOH8

41558, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Saturday June 12 2010. Russell Simmons launches the NOH8 milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Photograph:  Koi Sojer, PacificCoastNews.com

Russell Simmons unveiled his new, all-vegan milkshake at the Millions of Milkshakes restaurant in Los Angeles, California for the 40th LA Pride Anniversary in West Hollywood. Being the philanthropist he is and working with so many charities in the past, it’s no surprise that sales of Russell’s shake benefits a foundation.

“The proceeds of every shake that we sell this week will be donated to the NOH8 foundation and I will personally match that amount with a donation,” Russell told Star.

NOH8 is a campaign that was started to raise awareness for GLBT after California voted for Prop 8, a measure that added a CA constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage. The campaign is best known for its photographs, which can be seen on its website, of subjects with tape over their mouths, symbolizing being silenced from lack of GLBT rights.

“This shake is vegan for a reason,” Russell said. “It speaks to all that’s compassionate, all that’s good, no hate. And it has chocolate. The great equalizer is chocolate and everyone loves chocolate.”

Oh, heck yeah! Russell’s shake contains that incredible, edible, accidentally vegan Oreo cookies, vegan vanilla ice cream, soy milk and chocolate powder. If there’s a way to be silent to protest GLBT inequality, it’s keeping a straw that leads to this concoction in your mouth all day long!

This makes the 2nd vegan celebrity milkshake to be offered at Millions, in addition to Pamela Anderson’s.

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One Response to “Russell Simmons “Millions of Milkshakes” Vegan Shake For NOH8”

  1. Russell Simmons Does Vegan At “Millions of Milkshake” (PHOTOS) Says:

    […] Star Celebrity Vegetarian Gossip And News Russell Simmons “Millions of Milkshakes” Vegan Shake For NOH8 » Russell Simmons Does Vegan At “Millions of Milkshake” […]