Quantcast Vegetarian StarGuster Challenges Fans To Eat Local With Green Music Group (Video)

Green Music Group is a group of musicians, industry leaders and fans dedicated to spreading the environmental news throughout the industry.

Every two weeks on their website, Green Music Group, will present a challenge to fans and from now until June 18, Guster is challenging their fans to eat local at least once a day.

Lead singer and founding member of Green Music Group, Adam Gardner, speaks in the video.

“I feel personally connected to this challenge because I just recently joined a community supported agricultural program. And it was just amazing how much better the food tasted. The fact that I knew who was growing it, I met the farmer and knew that I was supporting that local farmer and that local economy just felt good to do.”

Gardner’s got a point about the taste. Compare fresh, local, crisp green beans to those brought halfway across the country or frozen or in a can.

No competition!

Once you try eating local, we promise, as Guster would say, “Fa Fa-Fa Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa,” it will “never be the same again.”

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One Response to “Guster Challenges Fans To Eat Local With Green Music Group (Video)”

  1. Adam Gardner Of Guster Has Wife To Thank For Eating Vegetarian Says:

    […] Adam Gardner is the face of the Green Music Group’s latest challenge to eat local, and while he’s one of the leading forces behind this campaign, he has his wife to thank for […]