Quantcast Vegetarian StarThe James Beard Foundation Hosting Vegan Dinner

The James Beard Foundation Hosting Vegan Dinner

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 8th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Tom Colicchio poses with his medal backstage after being named James Beard Foundation's outstanding U.S. chef in New York in this handout picture taken May 3, 2010. Colicchio, known for his innovative American cuisine and being the main judge of a wildly popular U.S. cooking show, runs a number of restaurants around the country including his flagship restaurant Craft in New York and Colicchio & Son which opened across town in March. Picture taken May 3. To match Reuters Life! FOOD-JAMESBEARD/ REUTERS/Kent Miller/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: SOCIETY)

The James Beard Foundation, a non-profit dedicating to promoting the culinary arts, is hosting a vegan dinner at The Beard House in New York City on Wednesday, June 9th 2010.

The cost is $165 per person if you’re not a board member, but a look at the menu will have you willing to eat beans and peanut butter for a month, given all the mouthwatering selections you can consume tomorrow evening.

Guest can start off with the Hors d’Oeuvres from the seasonal spring menu featuring Grilled Seitan and Horseradish Crèpes with Braised Butter Lettuce, Bruschetta-Style Tofu Banh Mi with Pickled Daikon and Charred Shishito Peppers or Wood-Grilled Shiitakes and Baby Leek Yakimono.

Moving on to the main course you’ll find items such as Grilled Tofu with Spring Garlic Salsa Verde, Gigante Bean Purée, Pioppini Mushroom Nage, Raw Ratatouille, and Olive Jerky.

As always, save room for dessert, a Strawberry–Sorrel Bread Pudding with Saffron Ice Cream and Rhubarb Nectar.

The food is being prepared by the talented chefs at Horizons restaurant. For more information and to get your ticket, visit JamesBeard.org.

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