Quantcast Vegetarian StarRobin Quivers Dines At Vegan Candle 79, Avoids Soda To Avoid Pancreatic Cancer

Robin Quivers Linda Long Candle 79

Robin Quivers Linda Long Candle 79

Robin Quivers was a guest at Candle 79 during a film with Linda Long, food photographer and author of Great Chefs Cook Vegan.

Howard Stern’s co-host lost 70 pounds by going on a vegan diet that she’s stuck with long after the pounds were gone.

Candle 79 is a vegan restaurant in New York City’s upper east side that features gourmet meals like seitan over pasta, black bean burgers with polenta fries and dairy-free, egg free chocolate desserts. A chef is on hand to explain how nut cheese is made, by soaking macademia or cashews in water for several hours and then blending to a cream consistency.

Quivers’ favorite dishes at Candle 79 are the steamed dumplings and seitan picatta. Quivers can’t enough of healthy, plant and fruit drinks as opposed to soda and discusses a recent study she’s heard about that found two sodas a day increased the risk of pancreatic cancer.

The study, published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, found drinking just two cans a day led to an 87% increase in the risk compared to people who consumed no soft drinks at all.

In 2009, about 42,000 people in the U.S. were diagnosed with cancer and 35,240 deaths were attributed to the disease as well, according to estimates from the American Cancer Society.


Pass the green tea please!

To view the talk between Robin and Linda, click here.

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