Quantcast Vegetarian StarPersia White Radar Online Interview Reveals Vegan Fashion Favorites

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Persia White has an exclusive interview with Radar Online where she dishes the dirt about vegan fashion.

The hardest part about going vegan was finding non-leather shoes at first, but Persia soon found out there are plenty of animal free alternatives to replace the ones she gave away.

“At first Leather was hard, because of giving away all of my shoes,” Persia says. “Lately, it’s changed. There is a world that is growing and expanding that is cruelty-free designers!”

Some of Persia’s favorite designers include Costume National, Melissa Plastic Shoes and Stella McCartney.

Plus, there’s cruelty-free Persia wear, crafted by the actress herself.

“I really like designing my own stuff,” she says after showing a few of her favorite Costume National gowns, and holds up a dress she designed herself and wore to the Genesis Awards one year.

Are the ladies (and gentlemen) in store for another celebrity designed line of clothing in the future?

Visit Radar Online to watch the entire interview with Persia, which includes an appearance by her dog while she’s playing piano.

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