Quantcast Vegetarian StarPrince Charles Opens Home For “Garden Party To Make A Difference”

Prince Of Wales And Duchess Of Cornwall Wales Visit - Day Two

For the first time ever, Prince Charles will open the garden located at his official residence to the public as part of his Start Initiative designed to encourage UK residents to adopt more sustainable living habits.

During the 12 days of September 8th through the 19th, the “Garden Party To Make A Difference” will feature exhibitions, interactive displays and live performances with celebrities such as designer Vivienne Westwood taking part in the launch.

According to the BBC, Prince Charles said:

“We have a fantastic team of talented curators who are helping us create an event which will, I hope, be both fun and informative.”

“This festival is just one way in which Start can help to demonstrate how we can all make a difference, however big or small the steps we take.”

Prince Charles is a big supporter of organic produce, saying it’s cheaper in the long run compared to diet related diseases.

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