Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Pollan Food Rules–Eats What Stands On One Leg

"Food Rules" Michael Pollan

"Food Rules" Michael Pollan

Flexitarian Michael Pollan, author of books such as The Omnivore’s Dilemma, has more than a few vegetarian friendly suggestions in his latest book, Food Rules, among the list of 64 principles to healthier eating that are accompanied with a paragraph explanation.

Like eating things with one leg.

Eating what stands on one leg [mushrooms and plant foods] is better than eating what stands on two legs [fowl], which is better than eating what stands on four legs [cows, pigs and other mammals].

Our notes: “Eating” can also be extended to drinking, so you may also want to include cow’s milk if you’re following that rule.

Buy Your Snacks At The Farmers’ Market

Pollan says, “You’ll find yourself snacking on fresh or dried fruit and nuts — real food — not crisps and sweets.”

And for the part time vegetarians:

Treat Meat As A Flavoring Or Special Occasion Food

“While it’s true that vegetarians are generally healthier than carnivores, that doesn’t mean you need to eliminate meat from your diet if you like it. It turns out that near-vegetarians or “flexitarians”— people who eat meat a couple of times a week — are just as healthy as vegetarians. But the average westerner eats meat as part of two or even three meals a day, and there is evidence that the more meat there is in your diet — red meat in particular — the greater your risk of heart disease and cancer.”

More rules at the Times Online.

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