Quantcast Vegetarian StarBest Selling Author Dr. Christiane Northrup–Weekly Veganism Gives Strong Bones

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

When most conventional experts talk about preventing osteoporosis, going vegan is usually the last suggestion. But Dr. Christiane Northrup suggests at the Huffington Post that cutting animal sources of dairy at least once a week may help prevent brittle bones.

“Another good idea is to eat vegan–no meat or dairy–one day a week, which is very easy given the wide availability of beans, tofu and other protein these days,” writes Northrup.

Northrup says osteoporosis can be prevented by a low acid diet, and a diet high in animal protein makes the blood more acidic.

When this happens, the body tries to compensate by making the environment more alkaline, and to do so it leeches calcium from the bones. According to Northrup, it takes three servings of fruits and vegetables to neutralize the acid from just one serving of animal product.

“Consuming dairy foods does add back calcium, but calcium from animal sources like dairy is highly acidic, so it’s like taking one step forward and two steps back.”

For more bone health tips, visit Northrup’s article at the Huffington Post.

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