Quantcast Vegetarian StarMickey Rourke Taking His Balls To India For Spay/Neuter Campaign

Mickey Rourke and his pet chihuahua Jaws star in PETA's latest billboard campaign in West Hollywood

Mickey Rourke is carrying his balls across continents.

The actor has agreed to represent PETA is a campaign to encourage spaying and neutering pets, “Hall the Balls to Fix Your Dogs,” in India. Billboards with a similar tagline were placed in California last year.

“Rourke was so moved when he learned about the dog and cat overpopulation crisis in India that he jumped at the chance to challenge people to get their animals sterilized,” PETA said in a press release.

According to the animal rights group, India has about 25 million homeless dogs that roam the streets.

Rourke has made no secret he’s an animal lover, even taking his dogs to restaurants to eat with him, advocating people keep their pets for a lifetime, even if a significant other wants to give them away.

“The most important thing about having a dog and loving a dog is keeping the dog its whole natural life. It’s not about saying four months later, ‘Oh I met some girl and she’s allergic to it’. No man, you can’t do that. You gotta get rid of the girl. She gonna leave you eventually anyway.”

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