Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Eco-Sex” Explains Why You May Want To Get Neutered (After Kid #17)



Octomom Nadya Suleman said during a press event about her agreeing to hang a PETA sign on her home advocating spaying and neutering that she felt the cause was necessary–at least for four legged animals.

“I love animals and I do believe they should be spayed or neutered,” Suleman was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying. “Humans of course are much different.”

Any number of good jokes could be inserted here, but Stefanie Iris Weiss, a vegetarian for 20 years and author of a new book about greening your sex life, Eco-Sex, gives insight for why some consider getting themselves or their two legged pet fixed.

An excerpt from the book about the carbon footprint of tykes after the break.

“It’s Westerners, especially Americans, who use most of the world’s resources. A recent study by statisticians at Oregon State University found that the carbon footprint of an extra child in the United States has an impact that is twenty times greater than that of environmental practices thought to make a real difference. In other words, you can spend the rest of your life replacing your incandescent lightbulbs, but your efforts will be a mere drop in the bucket next to the impact of any “extra” children you have.”

Most don’t have the eco impact Octomom or The Duggars do, but the decision to have a certain number of children or no children at all has been praised, ridiculed and downright attacked from both sides.

Where do you stand on replicating your DNA and the environment?

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