Quantcast Vegetarian StarLearn From Orlando Bloom–Flailing, Lactose Intolerant Star

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An informative article with a funny title, What You Can Learn From Flailing Stars, discusses various celebrities who have medical conditions and how to seek treatment if you suffer from the condition.

According to the article, vegetarian Orlando Bloom is also lactose intolerant, meaning his shared refrigerator with Miranda Kerr might have cartons of rice milk inside.

If you believe you suffer from such a condition, there are three tests you can ask your doctor to perform, the Lactose Intolerance Test, the Hydrogen Breath Test, and if you’re a genius infant who happens to have the ability to read gossip blogs, the Stool Acidity Test, all discussed on the Mayo Clinic website.

The Lactose Intolerance Test involves drinking a liquid that has high levels of lactose and getting blood tested two hours later. If your glucose level doesn’t rise, this means the body isn’t digesting and absorbing lactose.

The Hydrogen Breath test is not a sobriety one.

Rather it also involves drinking a drink that contains a high amount of lactose and having your breath measured for hydrogen at various intervals. Normally, very little hydrogen is detected but when lactose isn’t digested, it sits in the colon and ferments, causing the gas to be eventually exhaled.

The Stool Acidity test for children takes advantage that the undigested lactose sits in the colon, as discussed in #2. The stools are tested for lactic and other acids.

Once you’ve discovered you’re status, you can happily find dozens of non-dairy and vegan milk, and, unless you’re in Canada, vegan cheese options.

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