PETA Field Of Dreams Pig Empathy Center–If You Build It, He Will Come And Eat Faux Pork
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 24th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Film & TV, Food & Drink.
PETA has written a letter to Don and Becky Lansing, the owners of the farm the film Field of Dreams was shot on, in an attempt to convince them to convert the land into a pig empathy farm until it can be sold.
The display, titled, “Field of Nightmares: Pig Empathy Display,” would educate tourists by teaching them facts about pigs, such as intelligence, and allow guests to dine on faux meat pork products.
“We’d like to educate the 65,000 tourists who come each year to the Field of Dreams about how pigs feel pain and fear just as we do and are just as smart as 3-year-old humans,” PETA writes.
“Pigs get a worse rap than Shoeless Joe. As the nation’s number one pork-producing state, Iowa has factory farms that are truly a “Field of Nightmares” for pigs, who live in filth and often have their tails, teeth, and testicles cut off without any pain relief. After a lifetime of suffering, the first time that many pigs breathe fresh air is the day that they are forced onto a transport truck and taken to the slaughterhouse, where some pigs have their throats cut while they are still conscious.”
The animal rights group made a pun out of the famous line Kevin Costner hears while walking through a cornfield, “If you build it, he will come.”
“If we build it, visitors will come to hear about how pigs feel pain and fear just as we do,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reimam in a press release. “Our multimedia display will leave visitors enlightened and empowered, knowing that they can stop the abuse of these intelligent, friendly animals simply by leaving pork off their plates.”
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May 24th, 2010 at 7:47 pm
THIS is why people don’t like peta. That’s just annoying.