Quantcast Vegetarian StarMcDonald’s Rejects 5% Cage-Free Egg Proposal In United States

McDonald's Logo

McDonald’s is living up to its McCruelty nickname by rejecting another offer to switch to cage-free eggs.

According to Organic Authority, at a shareholders’ meeting last week, the board urged a vote in the “nay” direction, arguing such a policy, “would not enhance our existing policies and practices regarding the welfare of egg-laying hens and is not in the best interests of shareholders.”

McDonald’s competitors, such as Burger King and Wendy’s, have either already gone cage-free or are in the process of phasing these eggs in. McDonald’s UK restaurants have already taken the plunge toward better animal welfare and the European Ronald McDonald is set to do the same soon.

And some unscientific polls indicate customers are willing to pay if the costs for cage-free translates into a more expensive Egg McMuffin.

Wallet Pop found that most people are willing to pay anywhere from $0.05-$0.25 more for their sandwich.

The Humane Society of the United States proposed only 5% of McDonald’s eggs be cage-free by next January.

According to the HSUS, cage-free eggs allow hens to practice normal behaviors, such as walking, spreading wings and laying eggs in nests.

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2 Responses to “McDonald’s Rejects 5% Cage-Free Egg Proposal In United States”

  1. Chrissie Hynde To Protest McDonald’s In McCruelty Campaign In Philadelphia Says:

    […] made another decision that lowered its favorability with animal rights activists when it refused to switch even 5% of its eggs to […]

  2. Luis Says:

    I will never in my life eat eggs from this restaurant again ,you cant put a price on animal welfare ,this is atrocious and I am disgusted by such practices. Dont get breakfast from this restaurant if you care about animals and not about your greedy self ,sure this economy is bad but paying a few more wont hurt or just dont eat eggs at all here 😉