Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Living Discusses Vegetarian Sources Of Iron

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Martha Stewart had some experience with adding vegetarian sources of iron into meals when her daughter Alexis chose to become vegetarian.

One reader on her Martha Stewart Living column who happened to be a mother of a vegetarian daughter, was afraid her child wouldn’t get enough iron if she didn’t eat red meat.

Certain traditional vegetarian foods like soy may interfere with iron absorption, due to the presence of phytate, and calcium from dairy products can do this as well.

“There are plenty of iron-rich foods outside the animal kingdom, and a well-planned vegetarian diet can provide an ample amount,” the article reads. “Spinach, kale, collard and similar leafy greens are all good sources, as are beans, nuts, and whole grains, including quinoa and wild rice. Iron-fortified cereals and pastas are also worth seeking out.”

Getting plenty of Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables is actually favorable for a veggie, as this increases absorption.

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