Quantcast Vegetarian StarEinstein Bros. Bagels Phasing In Cage-Free Eggs

Einstein Bros. Bagels

Einstein Bros. Bagels

Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, which owns several bagel and coffee chains, including Einstein Bros., has made the announcement it’s switching to cage-free eggs at its 680 locations in 36 states and the District of Columbia.

“We’re proud to be launching this initiative and believe that moving in this direction will help improve the treatment of hens,” said James O’Reilly, chief concept officer for ENRG.

The Humane Society of the United States commended ENRG for making the switch towards better welfare for chickens.

“Einstein Noah’s decision to phase in cage-free eggs represents an important step,” said Josh Balk, corporate outreach director of The HSUS’ factory farming campaign. “The Humane Society of the United States applauds the company for improving the lives of farm animals.”

According to the HSUS website, there are about 280 million hens in factory farm cages so small, they cannot even spread their wings.

Cage-free is not the most ideal environment, as birds may still have their beaks cut off and may be prohibited from going outside, but they have 2-3 times more space than caged hens, allowing them to perform normal behaviors such as walking, spreading wings and laying eggs in nests.

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