Quantcast Vegetarian StarMallika Sherawat Needs Online Vegetarian Dating

Mallika Sherawat Needs Online Vegetarian Dating

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 19th, 2010 in Actresses, Couples, Food & Drink, Offbeat.

Blue Valentine After Party: 63rd Cannes Film Festival

Mallika Sherawat told the Times of India her brother said she’s a hopeless cause for marriage.

“(Vikram) says, “Who will marry you? Who will tolerate your tantrums and bad behavior?” Top it with my demand that I want a vegetarian yogi who meditates and neither smokes nor drinks.”

Sounds like her match could be Russell Simmons, vegan and yoga enthusiast who she’s shared some serious Twitter time with.

Not that we are in the business of matchmaking.

But there are several vegetarian websites that are.

If you’re not willing to lock lips with someone who’s got sausage residue on them, finding a vegetarian or vegan partner may be as simple as a mouse click.

Sites like Veggie Date, the more sustainable form of fishing–Veggie Fishing (with the horrible pun of “we’ll “hook” you up”), Vegetarian Passions and its completely animal free version, Vegan Passions and Ethical Singles all offer the Match.com experience sin carne.

There is someone who will put up with your temper tantrums.

And will make you vegan cupcakes to feel better.

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One Response to “Mallika Sherawat Needs Online Vegetarian Dating”

  1. Jaime Pressly “My Name Is Earl” Star Eats Less Meat After Marriage Says:

    […] you’ve already burned through the online vegetarian dating websites and still no luck in finding Mr./Mrs. Meatless Right. You pick Pretty Pork Lover forever and […]