Quantcast Vegetarian StarAl Gore Still Eating Meat. Latest Update From Panetta Institute for Public Policy

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore delivers a speech at the Montreal Millennium Summit

Al Gore recently spoke to a group of 800 college and high school students at Cal State Monterey Bay in the final series of installments in the Panetta Institute for Public Policy lecture series.

As expected, he commented on the recent Gulf Coast oil spill, but added that coal-fire plants produce similar environmental damage on a regular basis, putting three times as many pollutants into the air.

“Oil you can see,” Gore said. “CO2 is invisible, odorless and tasteless – invisible to the economy because it has no price tag on it.”

One student asked the former Vice President if he has stopped eating meat after learning of the environmental impact of the livestock industry.

His response was “no,” but that he had cut back.

It would be interesting to know how some meat reducers are performing their stunts.

Sure, many say that are eating less meat, but does that mean that are following Meatless Mondays?

Or only eating meat on the weekends?

We need more details on how the flexitarians plan their diets, so others can learn by example!

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