Quantcast Vegetarian StarScott Jurek’s Vegan 24 Hour Record Breaking Run Garners Praise In New York Times


Tickled pink that vegan Scott Jurek broke an American record in the IAU 24 hour running race?

You have plenty of company and a dietitian wrote to the New York Times sports editor to express just how exciting it was to see a man completely free of meat and dairy at the top of his athletic game.

“It’s clear that his diet isn’t slowing him down. In fact, it may explain why he is so fast and full of energy,” the letter writes.

“Athletes must get energy from food, but calories should come from healthy low-fat foods that have enough protein and are high in fiber. Because of its high-carbohydrate and low-fat content, a vegan diet is optimal for athletes.”

A new book by Dr. Katharina Wirnitzer, sports scientist and two time competitor in the TransAlp Challenge mountain-bike race, is meant to slam the claim that athletes who munch on nuts in between laps and weight training will collapse before the race even begins.

Wirnitzer also touches on the myth athletes need the protein of an entire cow during every meal.

“To maintain good health, a daily intake of 8–12 percent is more than enough and ideal for the highly strained metabolism of athletes,” Wirnitzer said, adding that vegan diets “are not only well suited for all phases of life, as well as for top athletes, but if adequately implemented and combined with a supporting lifestyle, also optimally suited for endurance sports.”

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