Quantcast Vegetarian StarSarah Palin At NRA Convention–Bambi’s Mother: It’s What’s For Dinner

Sarah Palin speaks at National Rifle Association convention in Charlotte, North Carolina

Sarah Palin gave a speech at the National Rifle Association (NRA) convention where she criticized animal rights activists, advocates of limiting hunting in Alaska and anyone she considered to be threatening the second amendment.

After all, they’re all shooting deer in Hollywood.

“I have bad news for those groups,” Palin said, according to the Charlotte Observer. “Bambi’s mother is dinner – even in L.A.”

“Where do those people think their venison comes from? The deer didn’t die of natural causes. It wasn’t road kill.”

Why aren’t Palin and fur wearing Kelis BFFs already?

Besides protection, Palin may feel guns are a key aspect of social gatherings.

She once had a baby shower at an Alaska gun range.

Makes you wonder how some really celebrate a “shotgun” wedding.

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