Gene Baur, Farm Sanctuary Co-Founder In “50 Plus Prime” Feature
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 17th, 2010 in Animal Issues.
Gene Baur, co-founder of Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, NY, was recently featured in the 50PlusPrime online news program for Baby Boomers.
50PlusPrime speaks with baby boomers making a difference in their communities as well as directs these 78 million individuals to useful resources.
Twenty four years ago Baur founded what is now the largest animal rescue and refuge in North America.
“About a year ago, when we began considering stories for our season premiere, I was introduced to the work of Gene Baur and Farm Sanctuary,” said Tony Fama, host of 50PlusPrime. “As I learned about Gene, in reading his book, in surfing Farm Sanctuary’s website, I knew we had to tell the story of Gene’s compassionate work on behalf of abused farm animals. 50PlusPrime will focus on baby boomers doing outstanding work. There is no question that Gene and Farm Sanctuary meet that description.”
“We are thrilled to be a part of the season premiere of 50PlusPrime,” said Baur. “Baby boomers have served as catalysts and helped bring needed and groundbreaking social change to our nation. The ideals underpinning the civil rights and environmental movements of the 1960s, which challenged the status quo, are helping to inspire a burgeoning food movement in our country today, along with a renewed interest in vegetarianism. Besides supporting environmental sustainability, eating fresh, whole plant foods instead of animal foods also helps lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other common ailments. Tony Fama’s commitment to inspiring and providing tools for conscientious living should be applauded.”
You may view the video segment of Baur and Farm Sanctuary’s story at 50PlusPrime.
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