Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristian Serratos Salad Dressing Recipe With Sriracha Sauce

Star Magazine Celebrates Young Hollywood

Christian Serratos has a salad dressing recipe you should try tonight!

Judging from her description of the blend in the May/June 2010 issue of Vegetarian Times, the Twilight actress is not the measuring kind of veg cooking gal. But when it comes to spicy, taste is a subjective thing and you have to make your own adjustments.

“You can make your own salad dressing by mixing together some extra virgin olive oil with vinegar and a little sriracha hot chile sauce and a dash of pepper. It’s the best!”

Sriracha sauce is a Thai hot sauce made with chile peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt.

The sauce itself can go great on vegetarian sushi or pizza and may even be used as ketchup with a little extra kick on french fries.

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One Response to “Christian Serratos Salad Dressing Recipe With Sriracha Sauce”

  1. Scott Jurek May Enjoy Sriracha Hot Sauce On His Rice And Veggies Says:

    […] Seen here on the table next to chef Jurek is what looks very much like a bottle of Sriracha sauce, a Thai hot sauce Serratos loves to add a dash to vinegar and oil when making her own salad dressing. […]