Quantcast Vegetarian StarEmily Deschanel Gives Two Cents On Farm Sanctuary

Emily Deschanel Gives Two Cents On Farm Sanctuary

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 14th, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Bones 100th Episode Celebration

Hard to believe Bones will complete its fifth season with the finale on May 20th at 8PM on Fox.

Emily Deschanel and Bones creator/executive producer Hart Hanson spoke with journalists over a telephone conference about the show’s evolution over time.

Deschanel is never one to complete an interview with the press without letting fans know she supports vegetarian/animal rights issues, and she gave her thoughts on one of her favorite animal charities, Farm Sanctuary.

She discussed how the organization helped pass Prop 2 in California, which banned keeping certain types of farm animals in cages or crates, and how there’s a similar push in Ohio to get the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board to adopt standards that result in less animal cruelty, more of which can be obtained from OhioHumane.

“So they do political work, they do outreach, they do education, and they also are a sanctuary for animals, and it’s an amazing place to visit. If anyone’s ever in northern California or I guess it’s mid-to-northern California in Orland, California, and then Watkins Glen in New York, they’re beautiful places, and you get to know these animals that are incredible and you wouldn’t want to eat them again. So that’s my little two cents on that.”

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One Response to “Emily Deschanel Gives Two Cents On Farm Sanctuary”

  1. Jessica Says:

    Emily Deschanel is my favorite actress, and one of my favorite people, overall.

    She rocks!