Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Top Chef Masters” Does “The Simpsons”–Lisa And Apu Get Vegetarian Dishes

Lisa Simpson "The Simpsons"

Lisa Simpson "The Simpsons"

Last night’s episode of Top Chef Masters had the competing chefs making meals that would please The Simpsons.

As you probably already know, there are two characters that shun meat on the popular cartoon, Lisa Simpson and Apu, and the chefs who cooked for them whipped up delicious sounding vegetarian delights.

The judges included some of The Simpsons’ crew, like creator Matt Groening and Hank Azaria who voices Chief Wiggum and Apu.

Jody made a Cracked Wheat Salad with Goats Milk Ricotta and BBQ beets and baked kale chips for Lisa, which the judges thought she’d love, and Marcus created Tomato Soup with Rice, Chickpeas, Chutney, Melon and Nuts for Apu.

Unfortunately, it was Rick’s shrimp meal for Homer that won.

But hey, Jody and Marcus’ meals sure give you great ideas for dinner!

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One Response to ““Top Chef Masters” Does “The Simpsons”–Lisa And Apu Get Vegetarian Dishes”

  1. Top Chef Masters Lisa Adams On Better Eating, Focus On Vegetables, Lisa Simpson Dish Says:

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