Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz, Real Age Expert Answer The Raw Versus Cooked Question

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Dr. Oz and Real Age expert Dr. Michael Roizen tackle the question of raw versus cooked in a piece of advice to a reader who wants to know if there are any benefits to eating raw and drinking distilled water.

The doctors are cool with raw, but emphasize that it’s not necessary and sometimes more beneficial if you eat vegetables cooked.

For example, steaming tomatoes brings out the lycopene, an important nutrient in fighting heart disease.

And steaming carrots and broccoli make the cancer fighting carotenoids easier to be absorb by the body.

Steamed vegetables also soak up bile, so the liver has to make more, which helps you get rid of LDL or “bad” cholesterol.

“But the main reason we don’t like extreme diets is that they deprive you of important nutrients,” the doctors answer. “If you’re eating only raw veggies, you’re almost certainly going to run short of protein and vitamin B-12, fast.”

And save the distilled water for ironing clothes.

“As for drinking distilled water, well, it’s usually made by boiling. While that strips out impurities, it also strips out minerals like calcium. Our opinion: Fuggedaboutit, unless you’re drinking four more glasses of non-distilled water a day. Then just do it if you like the taste better.”

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