Quantcast Vegetarian StarPhysicians Committee For Responsible Medicine Finds School Lunch Wasteland

Students with food trays

The most unhealthy school lunch sitting in the cafeteria these days is beef and cheese nachos.

Given the amount of animal fat, cholesterol and dairy in such a meal, it’s easy to understand why.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine analyzed the school lunches on menus from 18 elementary schools across the country and found meatloaf and potatoes, cheeseburgers, cheese sandwiches and pepperoni pizza didn’t trail far behind the beefy nachos.

A bill introduced by representative Jared Polis, the Healthy School Meals Act or H.R. 4870, is trying to change this.

If passed, it would provide funds to school districts to purchase healthier items and place more vegetarian entrees and non dairy beverages on the menus.

H.R. 4870 can’t come soon enough!

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