Quantcast Vegetarian StarLouise Van De Vorst–Daniel Johns’ Girlfriend–Goes Fur Free At Australian Fashion Week

RAFW S/S 2010/11 - Nookie Catwalk

Louise Van De Vorst made a creative scene at Australian Fashion Week on Wednesday when she arrived in a Volcano dress by designers Romance Was Born.

Van De Vorst is a successful model who is branching out and starting her own clothing line.

This vegan, much like her boyfriend, Silverchair’s front man Daniel Johns, is quite ethical in her food and fashion, and won’t be putting any real fur on the catwalk.

“With myself I do use fake fur and it’s really important to do that kind of stuff,” she said.

With the rise in real fur at so many fashion weeks during the past few months, Van De Vorst’s ethics are a refreshing change.

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One Response to “Louise Van De Vorst–Daniel Johns’ Girlfriend–Goes Fur Free At Australian Fashion Week”

  1. Brien Comerford Says:

    This was great to read. I’m glad that Daniel Johns is still a vegan/vegetarian. He’s a very talented vocalist and guitarist.