Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen Pompeo Only Putting Organic Cereals In Baby Stella’s Mouth

The American Cancer Society's Choose You Launch Luncheon

Ellen Pompeo‘s daughter is already seven months old with 2 teeth!

Since baby Stella is taking to solid foods, Pompeo is being extra careful about what to feed her, even for foods as simple as cereal.

“I haven’t given her Cheerios yet but if she does, she would have organic oats instead,” Pompeo, the Grey’s Anatomy actress who, although enjoys veggie burgers, had a failed attempt at going vegetarian, told People.

If a child finds a box of Lucky Charms at the end of the rainbow, it’s not so fortunate after all.

Cereals marketed to children often have 85% more sugar, 65% less fiber and 60% more sodium that cereals marketed to adults.

Grist has profiled several organic cereals, some of which are marketed for children, and put them to the test.

Enviro Kidz came out a winner across several of their varieties, which are sweetened with cane juice instead of sugar.

Matter of fact, Enviro Kidz came out on top for the adults…

Must be those cute lemurs on the box that make you feel warm and cuddly at six in the morning before a work day.

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