Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Biggest Loser” O’Neal Hampton Says Organic Worth The Price

O'Neal Hampton "The Biggest Loser"

O'Neal Hampton "The Biggest Loser"

O’Neal Hampton was eliminated from The Biggest Loser last week, but he’s not about to those 150 pounds he lost come back!

The father is still exercising and eating right, which in his opinion means eating organic.

“People say that organic food and healthy food is so much more expensive,” he said, according to Hollywood Outbreak.

“Not for me. The tradeoff was what I was spending in co-payments going to the doctor and then my medication for the 12 pills that I was taking a day I’m now spending in food, which is a lot cheaper than medicine.”

If you need to save money and aren’t sure you want to buy everything organic, don’t forget to refer to the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen,” the list of foods that should always be bought organic due to the high levels of pesticides found on them.

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