Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorges Laraque In “Fur Is Not Green” CARA Protest At NAFFEM

NHL Charity Shootout

Georges Laraque, former hockey player for the Montreal Canadiens, protested with the Concordia Animal Rights Association (CARA) and PETA outside the Fur and Fashion Exposition of Montréal (NAFFEM) to let every fashionista know that fur is not green.

Far from it. It’s red. And bloody.

While advocates of the fur industry have given their data on why they feel fur is environmentally healthy and sustainable, according to PETA’s blog, it takes 15 times as much energy to produce a fur coat from a farm that raises animals for fur than to make a fake.

There’s also the chemicals involved with the finishing process that have been linked to poor human and environmental health.

The only fur fit for a human is the five o’clock shadow look.

It’s time to get your fake on.

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