Quantcast Vegetarian StarStephanie Pratt Feels Guilty For Not Being Vegetarian

Stephanie Pratt And Lo Bosworth Of The Hills Film On Melrose Place On April 29, 2010 In Los Angeles

Stephanie Pratt is the cover girl for PETA’s new iphone application, Be Nice To Bunnies, that allows you to search for products and companies that do not test on animals.

Besides animal testing, Pratt is also campaigning for pet adoption and wants puppy mills wiped off the face of the Earth.

And it bothers her that she can’t make the jump to being a vegetarian.

“No, it really kills me. I was actually talking about this at dinner last night with people,” Pratt told Pr.com. “I do want to make it clear that I love fashion and I love wearing faux fur, but I will never wear real fur. Any fur I’m wearing, it’s fake.”

Maybe Pratt should get her feet wet with Meatless Mondays, as at least eating less meat will reduce her guilt and carbon footprint.

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