Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Questions Ambassador On Seal Hunt Subsidies

Pamela Anderson Questions Ambassador On Seal Hunt Subsidies

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 30th, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

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Pamela Anderson says seals are being killed, but no one’s buying.

In a letter to the Canadian Ambassador to the U.S., Gary Doer, Pamela questions the continuation of the annual seal hunt despite signs the market is declining.

She then questions if the government is subsidizing hunters.

“Why it is that sealers in Québec were forced to throw their pelts overboard because of the lack of markets, while in Newfoundland, a certain processor is seemingly able to find people willing to pay double last year’s value of a pelt?”

“Given sealing-industry insiders’ reports of a negative market outlook for this year and given the accounts claiming that some processors have two to three years of pelts stockpiled that they cannot get rid of, who or where is the market for the 65,000 seals who have been killed this year.”

According to PETA, Pamela made the effort to personally hand deliver the letter with her questions to Mr. Doer.

Canada’s seal hunt ended early this year, a combination of both reduced demand and low harvest.

According to Harpseals, Larry Yetman, fisheries resource management officer for the Newfoundland and Labrador coastal region, pretty much confirmed Pamela’s statements regarding the demand for pelts.

Although pelt prices were selling for nearly double compared to last year’s–at $21–fisherman knew their efforts to collect would not be profitable, as the number of ships that launched from Newfoundland’s ports was down by 500.

“Every sealer in Newfoundland would have considered going out on the ice for that price, but there aren’t any buyers,” Yetman said.

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One Response to “Pamela Anderson Questions Ambassador On Seal Hunt Subsidies”

  1. Pamela Anderson Asks Putin For Help In Ending Canada Seal Slaughter Says:

    […] recently also delivered a letter to Canadian Ambassador to the U.S., Gary Doer, questioning him on possible government subsidies given to hunters in the wake of decreasing demand for […]