Quantcast Vegetarian StarFeminist Equates Eating Meat With Misogyny At Harvard Speech

Feminist Equates Eating Meat With Misogyny At Harvard Speech

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 29th, 2010 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Carol J. Adams "The Sexual Politics of Meat"

Carol J. Adams "The Sexual Politics of Meat"

Carol J. Adams, author of the book, The Sexual Politics of Meat, spoke on the campus of Harvard University, urging students to go vegetarian, comparing eating meat to misogyny.

The event was sponsored by the Harvard College Vegetarian Society.

Adams said that meat eating is often equated with masculinity and places that celebrate meals of meat also tend to objectify women, such as Hooter’s.

Some criticized Adams for not bringing enough statistics into her speech, such as the effects of meat on human health and the environment.

Adams responded by saying both meat eating and debasing women should be looked at as “experiences” rather than numbers.

“I don’t give a damn about statistics,” Adams said. “I feel that using statistics participates in a rationalized way of thinking about the problem that undercuts my perspective.”

The Harvard Crimson reports most of her aggressive questioners were male.

They probably had just come from their dinner of burgers from the student union.

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One Response to “Feminist Equates Eating Meat With Misogyny At Harvard Speech”

  1. jon Says:

    Are you so desperate for attention that you had to invent this pathetic excuse to brainwash our children into believing that men who eat meat also hate women? You aren’t anymore credible than those ninnies from NOW who have spent the last forty years trying to convince women that they should despise all men. This “theory” of yours is one of the weakest reasons for a university, or book publisher to cut a pay check that I have ever heard.