Quantcast Vegetarian StarLisa Edelstein “Prevention” Interview On Eating Restrictions, Lemongrass Soup

Lisa Edelstein "Prevention"

Lisa Edelstein "Prevention"

Lisa Edelstein credits growing up in a Kosher household for the ease in the transition from eating meat to becoming vegetarian.

“If you’re raised with a food restriction, it’s not that difficult to have another kind of food restriction,” she told Prevention, according to That’s Fit.

The House actress is featured in the June 2010 issue, which goes on sale May 4.

She said she was “never a big meat eater,” but once had a dream about eating chicken that turned into a sort of nightmare once the parts she was eating turned human.

“But in the dream, I understood that it was actually miniature human legs and arms. My brain was connecting muscle and bone to another animal. Once I had made that connection, it just wasn’t something I wanted to eat.”

Lisa loves cooking non human and non animal dishes in her kitchen that incorporate vegetables like broccoli, string beans and avocado.

One of her favorite dishes is lemongrass soup, something she says works similarly to chicken soup, as it makes you feel, “really good when you don’t feel well.”

The next time you’ve got the sniffles, try the recipe out to see if it’s what the doctor should order.

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