Quantcast Vegetarian StarNicole Richie Says Eat Less Meat On Twitter

Do-It-Yourself Design Session With Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie shared seven things she does to live green on Twitter.

We knew there was no way she could share a home with vegetarian Joel Madden and eat burgers every day.

The organic loving mother of two includes the #6 way to live an eco friendly lifestyle as:

“Eat less meat and eat more local and organic foods.”

Richie also recommends riding a bike for a trip within 2 miles of your home, adding that “1 pound of CO2 pollution is cut for every mile pedaled” and composting your table scraps and avoiding bottled water.

If you’re ready to take the Meatless Mondays plunge, Martha Stewart has provided almost 100 vegetarian recipes that she’s posted on her website for Earth Week.

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