Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Meatless Recipes

Martha Stewart Meatless Recipes

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 22nd, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Recipes, TV Hosts.

Vanity Fair Celebrates The 2010 Tribeca Film Festival

Martha Stewart loves us!

She’s featuring almost 100 vegetarian recipes on her website to celebrate Meatless Mondays during Earth Week.

There are two slideshows.

Fifty fast meatless main dishes give instructions for cooking up creative dishes like Lighter Eggplant Parmesan, Sesame Noodles and West Coast Grilled Vegetable Pizza.

The 45 meatless comfort food recipes offer meat free ways to create old time favorites like chili using vegetarian black beans and tacos with portabello mushrooms and zucchini.

Martha, who’s Sirius XM radio  host daughter Alexis, is vegetarian, has been regularly featuring vegetarian friendly segments, from her meatless Thanksgiving ideas to celebrating National Soy Month.

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One Response to “Martha Stewart Meatless Recipes”

  1. Nicole Richie Says Eat Less Meat On Twitter Says:

    […] you’re ready to take the Meatless Mondays plunge, Martha Stewart has provided almost 100 vegetarian recipes that she’s posted on her website for Earth […]