Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarl Lewis Discusses Last Bratwurst Before Going Vegetarian

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Carl Lewis participated in the Dow Live Earth Run for Water event this weekend and he took time to speak with the Saginaw News on why he changed his diet to a mostly vegan one.

We can all remember the last piece of flesh we ate before making the plunge into vegetarian, whether it was your favorite fast food burger, B.L.T. or homemade roast. Carl’s last piece of meat was a bratwurst before a track meet and he’s been doing it faux or no ever since.

“I met a guy who wrote a book about vegan diets. We ended up talking for like an hour, and he told me to set a date, and just do it, try it. This was June, so I set a date in July, and I was in Spain for a track meet, and I had a big old bratwurst the night before. I got on the plane the next day, flew home, and I was a vegan. I stayed vegan for a couple years and now mostly I’m a vegetarian.”

These days the former Olympic gold medalist keeps busy with his Fitforever foundation, a website filled with articles and community support to help people achieve and maintain fitness, regardless of age.

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