Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorge Lamb Vegetarian After Killing Goat On “The Parent Trip”

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George Lamb, British radio and television personality, has gone vegetarian after slaughtering a goat for television.

According to The Sun, George and his father Larry Lamb were filming with an African tribe for the ITV2 series The Parent Trip, and the goat slaughter was a big event for the day.

Since George and Larry were guests of the chief, it was considered an honor to have the goat slaughtered.

George went along with it because he didn’t want to offend his hosts.

George had to kill the goat with a pen knife and eat it live.

“It was horrible. When you hold the animal and feel the life go out of it, it’s a real eye-opener.”

George has yet to touch a piece of meat since filming wrapped up last November.

“It’s made me see it in a different light – the process of how a piece of meat ends up in a supermarket.”

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3 Responses to “George Lamb Vegetarian After Killing Goat On “The Parent Trip””

  1. Carnivore Says:

    There is a clear error here. Why have you written I quote, ‘George had to kill the goat with a pen knife and eat it live.’ The entire fact that he killed it meant that he didn’t eat it live! I work for a slaughterhouse and I kill pigs every day but I love a bacon butty. Sensitive? A poncy gay.

  2. meh Says:

    Your vile to be honest,and if you like animals dying , then why are you on a vegetarian website? prick.

  3. Orla Says:

    Carnivore…you’re a cunt. Simple as.