Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachael Ray Features Vegan Rescue Chocolate “Snack Of The Day”

Rachael Ray at the New York premiere of Date Night

Is it us, or is Rachael Ray‘s snacks on the “Snack of the Day” feature on her website getting more vegan friendly?

Yesterday, Rachael featured the very animal friendly chocolate company, Rescue Chocolate.

In an effort that was probably meant to honor her dog, Isaboo, Rachael chose Peanut Butter Pit Bull Chocolate Bars as the snack that day.

The bars, like every candy at Rescue Chocolate, are vegan and all net profits from Rescue Chocolate sales go to animal rescue organizations.

Recently, Rachael has featured vegan gummy bear candy and gelatin-free vegan marshmallows as snacks of the day.

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One Response to “Rachael Ray Features Vegan Rescue Chocolate “Snack Of The Day””

  1. Cups Says:

    Rescue Chocolate is a fabulous organization and the Peanut Butter Pit Bull Bar is beyond AMAZING!