Quantcast Vegetarian StarKelly Osbourne Turned Off Meat By “Food Inc.”

Kelly Osbourne Turned Off Meat By “Food Inc.”

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 14th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

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Kelly Osbourne isn’t currently a vegetarian, but she has considered the source of where her meat comes from and is trying to eat less of it.

In her weekly Closer column, Kelly says watching the film Food Inc. has made her disgusted by the way most meat is obtained.

“I’ve become increasingly aware of how disgusting the American meat industry can be – and it’s seriously put me off eating meat … I’ve heard that cows are fed through a hole in their stomach to make them get fatter quicker and I can’t believe some chicken producers inject them with water first so they’re heavier!”

Kelly’s got a good point. While many suppliers in places like Europe are sourcing meat more humanely, such as slaughtering with Controlled Atmosphere Killing, major American restaurants like McDonald’s have failed to make this switch.

“I don’t have a problem with people eating meat, but I am careful to only buy organic now,” Kelly added.

Kelly attended the launch of Sir Paul McCartney‘s Meat Free Monday campaign, so she is at least supportive of less meat in everyone’s, American or not, diet.

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