Quantcast Vegetarian StarSarah Palin Alaska Show Draws Petitions From Both Sides

Sarah Palin Alaska Show Draws Petitions From Both Sides

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 12th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Politicians.

Palin, Jindal, And Perry Address Southern Republican Leadership Conferencen

Sarah Palin‘s new Discovery show about Alaska, tentatively titled, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska”, hasn’t made it to the screen yet, but there’s already a call for cancellation.

Activist group Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, the same group that launched its EyeonPalin campaign as a way to keep track of her record on animal and environmental issues, has created a petition, urging Discovery to drop the show.

The petition reads as follows:

“As parent company of Animal Planet, The Discovery Channel and TLC, and known for your wildlife-focused productions, I hope that you will reconsider your decision to partner with such a terribly anti-wildlife and politically divisive persona as Sarah Palin.”

So far, the petition has received 170,000 signatures.

According to the LA Times, the Sportsmen’s Alliance (who’ve been busy sending email to groups like Bluewater Comics for producing a book about Ellen DeGeneres that supports the Humane Society), is protesting, asking Palin fans to sign a counter petition.

There may not be a need to tally the John Hancocks on both sides, as viewers may control the show’s outcome with their remote controls.

In a poll that is available on the LA Times website that asks, “Will you watch Sarah Palin’s docu-series about Alaska?” only 16% of respondents mimicked Palin’s famous positive answer of “You betcha!”

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