Quantcast Vegetarian StarTreehugger Graham Hill Offers Lunch Solution For Your Work Week

kentgoldman on Flickr

kentgoldman on Flickr

Like many considering vegetarianism, for Graham Hill, founder of the environmental website Treehugger, the thought of the “last burger” was similar to what some pets might think about a visit to the veterinarian for spaying/neutering.

Instead of ignoring the environmental problems of eating meat and continuing to do so, he struck a deal with himself that allowed him lighten his impact with deprivation.

From his speech at a recent TED conference:

“Either you’re a meat-eater or you’re a vegetarian and I guess I just wasn’t ready. Imagine: Your last burger. So, my common sense and my good intentions clashed with my taste buds and lead me to commit to doing it “later”. And later never came. Sound familiar? I wondered “Could there be a 3rd option?” And I found one, and I ‘ve been doing it for the last year and it works. It’s called Weekday Vegetarian. And the name says it all. Nothing with a face during the week and on the weekends, your call.”

Weekday vegetarianism may find you keeping your promise to yourself and the earth easier, given the fact meals during the week are usually for work. Taking time to plan ahead for your lunches may force you to try new items, improving both your cooking skills and repertoire.

The old standard PB & J every day works just as well.

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