Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman “Cooking Up A Story” In The Home Again

Mark Bittman “Cooking Up A Story” In The Home Again

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 6th, 2010 in Authors, Food & Drink, Videos.

Mark Bittman, part time vegetarian and author of books like Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating, recently appeared on the online television show about food and sustainable living, Cooking Up A Story.

Bittman discussed the importance of eating in the home and said people used to cook years ago.

Then frozen and other convenience foods took over and people, not growing up making things from scratch, looked at cooking “as if there was some sort of mystique to it.”

Take the mystique out of cooking and grab a few good vegetarian cookbooks at your local bookstore or visit an vegetarian online forum for more ideas.

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