Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama White House Garden Yielded 1,000 Pounds Of Food

First Lady Michelle Obama hosts Spring Garden Planting in Washington

Michelle Obama‘s White House garden is expanding!

The garden will be enlarged from 1,100 to 1,500 square feet to accommodate four additional vegetables of bok choy, white cauliflower, artichokes and mustard greens.

Once again, Mrs. Obama invited local school children to help plant this year’s seeds.

According to Treehugger, last year the garden yielded 1,000 pounds of food that was eaten by White House Staff and at State dinners or donated to local homeless shelters.

Another accomplishment for the garden last year was employing the use of “hoop houses,” protective structures placed over the plants to protect them from the winter’s freeze, allowing 50 pounds of food to be harvested during the winter.

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One Response to “Michelle Obama White House Garden Yielded 1,000 Pounds Of Food”

  1. Sohei Fox Says:

    It’s not good to call it “Michelle Obama’s Garden” when it’s attended to 100% by staffers except for the above photo op.