Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlanis Morissette Latest Favorite Vegan Cookbook

Alanis Morissette Latest Favorite Vegan Cookbook

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 5th, 2010 in Books, Female Singers, Food & Drink.

500 Vegan Recipes

500 Vegan Recipes

Alanis Morissette has put a photo of her latest favorite cookbook on Twitter.

500 Vegan Recipes: An Amazing Variety of Delicious Recipes, from Chilis and Casseroles to Crumbles, Crisps, and Cookies is just of the vegan books that have changed Alanis’ life.

It was a copy of Dr. Joel Fuhrman‘s Eat to Live that prompted her to go vegan.

Not wanting another fad diet, she was motivated by preventing disease and loss weight was an added consequence.

She now fills her plate with foods like fruit, nuts, collards, kale, and spinach.

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