Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Last Supper” Featuring Judas The Creepy Vegan

“The Last Supper” Featuring Judas The Creepy Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 1st, 2010 in Food & Drink, Humor, Offbeat.

Fast food meal.

In honor of both April Fool’s and Easter approaching, we bring you news courtesy of The Spoof.

Although scholars have long thought The Last Supper consisted of bread and wine, new evidence suggests Jesus and the apostles ate at a Burger Queen restaurant in East Jerusalem.

All had burger, fries and diet coke, except for Judas, the “creepy” vegan.

“Judas acted like a complete prick and insisted on lecturing the fast-food clerk on the evils of eating meat and the virtues of vegetarianism. He ordered a salad with French dressing, just hours before making the worst betrayal in human history. Judas was a typical vegan creep.”

After Jesus raised his hamburger bun over his head and turned it into his body and turned his Diet Coke into blood, The Spoof reports that “everyone soon lost their appetite and left the Burger Queen.”

These new findings have prompted the Vatican to team up with Burger Queen to open franchises at all Catholic churches.

Just hope a meatless BQ makes the menu, cause creepy vegans say Hail Marys too, especially when forced to enter a burger restaurant with non vegetarian friends.

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One Response to ““The Last Supper” Featuring Judas The Creepy Vegan”

  1. The Last Supper National Mall Exhibit Features Veg Stars For Jesus Says:

    […] was the satire version of The Last Supper involving vegan Judas (of course the non meat eater is portrayed as the evil, […]